News and Events

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2018 Highlights

(Mar. 19) ATL attend ACS Spring National Meeting to celebrate Prof. Greg Fu as the 2018 H. C. Brown Award recipient, New Orleans, LA

(Mar. 17) ATL teaches at SPARK 2018 for Educational Studies Program, MIT

(Mar. 12) ATL delivers the 10.992 Student Seminar at Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT. Thanks for all the supports!

(Mar. 09) Prof. David Tirrell from Caltech delivers the Warren K. Lewis Lecture on “Reinterpreting the Genetic Code” at MIT. Wonderful science, masterfully unfolded.

(Mar. 01) Pingwei and ATL’s joint work on Synthetic Electronic Cells featured in the MIT Intelligent Quest launch event, among other exciting work driving the development of technological tools towards Artificial Intelligence.

(Feb. 24) ATL teaches a 6-lecture series at HSSP 2018 on “How to Generate Electricity from Water?”, Educational Studies Program, MIT

(Feb. 15) Colleague Anton Cottrill‘s Thermal Resonator Energy Harvester from the Strano Lab featured in MIT News. Congratulations!

(Jan. 30) ATL presents at MIT EECS MTL Microsystems Annual Research ConferenceBretton Woods, NH

2017 Highlights

(Nov. 28) ATL receives MRS Graduate Student Silver Award presented by Materials Research Society

(Mar. 17) ATL lectures at SPLASH 2017 on “From Molecular Conformation to Nanotechnology, Energy and Medicine”, Educational Studies Program, MIT

(Jul. 17) Invited seminar at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

(May. 25) ATL presents at MIT Sense.nano SymposiumBroad Institute

(May. 16) ATL receives Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award from Dept. of Chemical Engineering, MIT

(Mar. 17) ATL lectures at SPARK 2017 on “Nanotechnology Enabled Artificial Cells”, Educational Studies Program, MIT

2016 Highlights

(Nov. 02) ATL writes on C&EN News in memory of Prof. John D. Roberts.

(Mar. 14) High Efficiency Thermopower Wave Devices from the Strano Lab featured in MIT News